Here is the email update that Ehow Articles, they huge user submitted article website, stated about removing all of its articles that weren’t proofread through its current process.
We want to personally thank you for the time spent writing articles for and helping contribute to the growth of our site. As a valued writer who’s written articles for eHow, you know we’re a site that is focused on excellence and delivering the best possible experience to our readers. As continues to evolve and become a leading destination of trusted information, we are working hard to ensure all content is professionally created and editorially vetted.
As you might remember, we stopped accepting user-submitted articles in April 2010. At the same time, we also closed the Writers Compensation Program (WCP) to new participants and stopped accepting articles through that program as well. Though we stopped accepting user-generated articles, we kept legacy articles that had been previously submitted and published online so that readers could continue to find and enjoy that information, and participants who opted into the WCP could continue earning money for their work.
After much consideration, eHow has decided to close the WCP and remove user-generated articles from the site. We’re doing this because these articles were not vetted through our current editorial process, which includes professional fact checking and copy editing. Your article(s) will be taken down from this month. If you are opted into the WCP you will receive final payment for earnings through May 5, 2011, during the regular monthly payment schedule in early June. Even though your articles will no longer appear on, you retain all ownership of your articles for use on other websites.
We appreciate the time you’ve spent writing articles for our site and want to make it easy for you to have a record of your contributions. You’ll have an opportunity to retrieve your articles from us between May 17th and May 31st, if you wish to retain them for your records. Further details for article retrieval will be shared through your writer’s console.
We truly value your contributions to eHow and know that the site would not be what it is today without people like you. Thank you again and please feel free to contact with any questions you may have.
Kind Regards,
eHow Team
I hope that helps some people out.